Welcome to “how to build a computer from scratch for beginners” the five-minute guide. We’ll try and stick to the 5 minutes. Last time we talked about CPU’s and if you haven’t watched that one, click this link and head over to watch. . . I’ll wait. . . we good? Great.
In this video we’ll talk about Motherboards and depending on what you decided on, either Intel or AMD, will factor in what motherboard you’ll need. The breakdown will talk more details about the motherboards later in the video.
Now the biggest factor in these motherboards is going to be the “socket size”. This varies in the number of pins or the size of the CPU that is to match up with the socket. Meaning, a socket 1200 will not work on an 1151 motherboard.
Really motherboards are going to be the main platform that everything connects to, so making sure it has everything you need is important. Prices are going to vary and this will affect multiple things.
In most cases, “the inexpensive” motherboards are going to have fewer connectors (like USB and PCI Express slots). They can also affect the thickness of the board. Which might cause some performance issues. From what I’ve come across, this is pretty few and far between for most brands to have a board that is so cheap that it breaks within a year. As well as RAM compatibility is becoming less and less of an issue.
What you want to look for is a good number of USB ports, most people need 6. If you are NOT going to use a video card, make sure the motherboard has at least 1 to 2 video connectors (DVI, VGA, HDMI, or even Display port). Everything else should fall into place. I also want to mention that sometimes “Gaming” motherboards are just esthetics and nothing more (sometimes can find a deal).
Recommended Motherboards:
Hit me up with any questions in the comments. Thanks for watching “how to build a computer from scratch for beginners” the five-minute guide and we’ll see you in the next video.
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