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Help Support TCG

Patreon Support

We have a Patreon page that you can use to help support the channel!
Simply click the icon and you are on your way to helping support this channel's content. 

PayPal Support

Don't like Patreon?
No worries!
Want to send money to help the channel?

You can!
Simply click the icon above and send money directly to TheComputerGuyDR to help fund the channel.**

Amazon Affiliate

Another way to help support the channel is by using the Amazon Affiliate link. 
Simply Click the icon above and you'll be swept away to Amazon. Prices stay the same, but Amazon sends a little our way to help support the channel. 

Donate with Venmo

Ko-What? PayPal who?
Don't know or trust these platforms, well we also don't mind getting donations through Venmo. 

Every little bit helps and is appreciated. 

Mech Store

We have Merch!
Yup like every other YouTuber we have a merch store that helps to fund the channel as well. The designs have been developed by The Computer Guy. 
Check them out and help support the channel.

Just Visiting this Site

The last way you can help support the channel is by visiting the site. 
Yes, sadly there are some ads here but by visiting the site with no ad-blocker you'll be helping to support the channel in a small way. 
Even small things help out.

**If you made a donation by accident, please reach out to TheComputerGuyDR to resolve this issue. Refunds are generally possible and faster. 

©2021 by TheComputerGuyDR - Created with

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